The Australian Women's Leadership Symposium



Our symposium features a diverse lineup of high-profile thought leaders, recognised for their excellence across business and community leadership.

09:00 - 09:10
Welcome to Country
09:10 - 09:25
Welcome & Opening Comments
Dr Janet Smith (She/Her)

Program Specialist and Lead Facilitator, Women & Leadership Australia

Megan Ibrahim
09:25 - 09:35
Acting General Manager's Welcome
Megan Ibrahim (She/Her)

Acting General Manager, Women & Leadership Australia

The Australian Women's Leadership Symposiums
09:35 - 09:45
Networking Activity
Networking Activity

The Hon Susan Close MP
09:45 - 10:00
Opening Address
The Hon Susan Close MP

Deputy Premier; Minister for Climate, Environment and Water; Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science; Minister for Defence and Space Industries

Dr Sanjugta Vas Dev
10:00 - 10:30
Keynote Address
Dr Sanjugta Vas Dev

Director, Office for Women, Department of Human Services SA

10:30 - 10:35
Gold Sponsor Address
Australian College of Applied Professions

Gold Sponsor

Morning Tea: 10:35am - 11:00am

11:00 - 12:25
Panel Discussion

Lunch: 12:25pm - 1:15pm

01:15 - 02:05
Development Session

Sonny Jane Wise (They/Them)
02:05 - 02:35
Keynote Address
Sonny Jane Wise (They/Them)

Keynote Speaker; Creator and Advocate on Neurodiversity & Neurodivergence; Author of “We’re All Neurodiverse” and “The Neurodivergent Friendly Workbook of DBT Skills”

02:35 - 03:00
Award Session
Khadija Gbla (She/They)

Speaker; Trainer; Activist; Advocate; Model; Writer

Afternoon Tea: 3:00pm - 3:20pm

Erin Phillips OAM (She/Her)
03:20 - 03:50
In Conversation
Erin Phillips OAM (She/Her)

Former AFLW Player

Jan Fran (She/Her)
03:50 - 04:20
Keynote Address
Jan Fran (She/Her)

Walkley-winning Journalist; TV Presenter; Social Commentator

04:20 - 04:30
Closing Comments
Dr Janet Smith (She/Her)

Program Specialist and Lead Facilitator, Women & Leadership Australia

Tickets sold out

Our Partners


Gold Sponsor

Government of SA - Office for Women

Silver Sponsor

Women's Agenda Logo

Media Partner

Advocacy Partner


Supporting Partner


Supporting Partner

Supporting Partner

Hear from our attendees

Inspirational, engaging and just amazing! They were all awesome to hear from and I was engaged the entire time.

Adelaide Symposium Attendee

All inspirational presenters from different walks of life.

Adelaide Symposium Attendee

The speakers were truly amazing. Great line up of empowering, inspiring women.

Adelaide Symposium Attendee

Join Australia's Premier Women's Leadership Event

This is your moment to redefine what leadership means to you and explore new possibilities for personal and professional growth. Through the lens of shared stories, you’ll witness how other women in leadership have overcome obstacles to forge their own paths. Join us to delve into the collective wisdom of diverse women, create new connections, and find inspiration for your leadership journey.

Inspiration and Empowerment

Get ready to feel refreshed, motivated, and armed with new ideas. Dive into the stories of diverse leaders to gain insight on leadership, equality, and inclusion.

Personal and Professional Growth

This is your chance to pause and reflect on your role as a leader. You’ll leave with a renewed sense of purpose and confidence to tackle challenges head-on.

Networking Opportunities

Connect with like-minded individuals from a variety of industries. Who knows, you might just find your next collaboration partner.

Full Attendance Grants Available
Group of women