Amplifying the voices of outstanding leaders across Australia

Inspired Leadership Series

Join us for one or all events to hear from diverse leaders around the country

Celebrating Women Leaders

Join us as we present the 2024 Award for Excellence in Women's Leadership to the remarkable state or territory winners.

New Leadership Insights

Hear a diverse panel of leaders discuss emerging trends and learn practical tips to help you lead the change you want to see.

Personal and Professional Growth

This is your chance to pause and reflect on your role as a leader. You’ll leave with a renewed sense of purpose and confidence to tackle challenges head-on.

Featuring the 2024 Awards for Excellence in Women's Leadership Winners

Celebrate these outstanding leaders as they recieve their award and share their story

The Australian Award Logo

The Australian Awards For Excellence In Women’s Leadership

Dr Natasha Vavrek (She/Her) BMed Sci MBBS Hons. FRACGP FPAA

Sarah Goddard

Dr Sarah Goddard (She/Her) BMed FACRRM

Asha Bhat OAM (She/Her)

Panel Discussion
Allyship in the Workplace: Building Collaborative Networks for Impact

Allies play an important role in advancing inclusion in our workplaces and communities by supporting people or groups who are underrepresented, marginalised, or experiencing discrimination. As leaders, engaging allies and collaborating with other supporters is key to increasing our impact. Our diverse panel will share their real-world experiences of allyship in action: what it looks like, what the challenges are, and what can be achieved. We’ll explore practical tips for being a better ally, how we can work with allies to advance change, and how we can all take small actions every day to drive lasting change.


Ingrid Stonhill
Ingrid Stonhill

Chief Executive Officer, Katherine Town Council

Deborah Jones (She/Her)
Deborah Jones (She/Her)

Founding Director, Clubhouse Territory

Tahlia Biggs (She/Her/They/Them)

First Nations Community Engagement Coordinator, Brown's Mart; Youth Leadership Programs Coordinator, Y Northern Territory; Freelance Creative Performer

Ben Graetz (He/Him)

Founder & Director, BRG Productions; Director, Darling Heart Designs

Emma Bennison MBA GAICD (She/Her)
Emma Bennison MBA GAICD (She/Her)

Chief Innovation Officer, Life without Barriers; Non-Executive Director, NV Access Limited; Chair, Attitude Foundation; TEDx Speaker

Cameron Cahill (He/Him)
Cameron Cahill (He/Him)

Director, Gov Insights

Martine Delaney (She/Her)
Martine Delaney (She/Her)

Rights Activist; Writer

Elizabeth Lang
Elizabeth Lang (She/Her)

Chief Executive Officer and Principal Consultant, Diversity Focus

Darren Klemm AFSM
Darren Klemm AFSM

Commissioner, Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA

Tom Monks
Tom Monks (He/Him)

Legal Practitioner, Tom & Co Legal; Chairperson of the Board, Avivo; Board Chair, DADDA Ltd

Join the Conversation

Covering critical topics like gender equity, inclusion, leadership, career advancement, and life fulfillment, the Inspired Leadership Series offers an accessible platform for leaders around Australia to gain insights, draw inspiration, and reflect on their own leadership journey.
These events are designed to provide a psychologically safe space centred on the voices and experiences of women and gender-diverse people. People of all genders are welcome to attend.

The 2024 Inspired Leadership Series



Northern Territory






Western Australia

Australian Women's Leadership Symposium
These events are an extension of Women & Leadership Australia's national Women's Leadership Symposium series. Our events bring together leaders from all sectors, providing a safe and supportive platform to amplify the stories and voices of diverse leaders, and champion diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Find out more about our full day, in-person Symposiums.
Symposium Event Room